nfc automation

SmarDen NFC Automation

When you buy some products you get a sticker or two with them, but do you actually use them ever? Regardless, we all have had some fun with those stickers when we were kids. As usual, at SmarDen we had to make the stickers smart as well, so we give you the NFC tags with our products. NFC stands for Near Field Communication which lets you communicate with your products with a tap of your phone, just like paying with your apple watch without having to take your cards out or anything. These NFC tags are customizable and you can set them to perform particular tasks according to your requirements.
nfc automation mobile app
SmarDen NFC tags can be programmed using your phone for the device that you are using. You won’t even have to unlock your phone to execute the set action with a particular tag. NFC tags can be placed anywhere and they give an extra layer of convenience to your already smart home. Place one near the door so that when you open the door you can turn the lights on and off easily with just a tap of your phone! Place one of your bedside tables and program your fan/lights to turn on or off, again with just a tap and you won’t even have to get out of your bed. The possibilities are basically endless! Check out the video to see how easy it is to use.
You won’t be able to see the stickers that come in the packs with other products similarly ever again, because they are not as useful as the ones that we provide. SmarDen does everything, makes smart home products, teaches IoT with Free IoT platform and makes your smart home smarter with NFC tags. Now all that’s left for you to do is explore how comfortable and luxurious a smart home can be.
NFC Automation


What is NFC in automation?

Near Field Communication, or NFC, is a technology that is widely used in modern iPhones, Samsung phones, and Google phones. By tapping or being close to an IoT device that supports NFC, it enables your phone to “speak” to other devices. NFC tags enable simple phone taps to activate your DIY home automation.

How do I automate NFC tags?

Writing information on the NFC stickers you bought, such as a task name, is the simplest approach to automate chores. NFC Tools is one of the free apps that you can get on the Google Play Store like SmarDen. On NFC stickers, you can read, write, and alter data. After launching the app, hold your smartphone over an individual NFC sticker. Keep in mind that various phones may have a different location for the NFC antenna. Usually, it is located at the top or close to the rear cameras. For further information, search online or visit the manufacturer’s website for your phone. The majority of phones will vibrate, buzz, and ring when an NFC sticker is scanned.

How NFC works?

An NFC tag sends radio waves to activate the antenna in a receiving device. To complete the information exchange, the recipient verifies the provided information. The technique only functions over a 4 inch distance, which is extremely short. NFC tags are powered by another device, such as a smartphone, and operate without a battery.

What is NFC tool used for?

NFC apps can be used to configure device operations, share WiFi passwords securely, and control a computer system remotely. Businesses can use a blank smart tag and download an NFC app like SmarDen to create gestures. You can easily program NFC tags using the app.

Is NFC an API?

Lightweight NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages are supported by the Web NFC API for data exchange over NFC. For use with Web NFC, devices and tags must be structured and recorded properly to support NDEF record format.


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