How Can Home Automation Help in Taming Covid-19

How Can Home Automation Help in Taming Covid-19
We are in the second surge of Covid-19 and it’s much worse than last year. We must be able to cope with it better now because we have been through this already and almost got a hold of it. However, what if I tell you that we did not explore all the options. Home automation has been a blessing in the time of Covid-19. There are several benefits of automation and one of them has been not having to touch the switches and doors all the time as you can manage all of it from your phone itself. IoT is a technology by which you can embed a number of devices and handle them from one app or website via the internet and WiFi. Covid has been exceptionally difficult for everyone to cope with. The normal is not the norm anymore and we doubt it ever will be because we have come so far in terms of technology. When you automate your home you can directly go to the bathroom to wash up and clean yourself before having to touch anything like the switchboards and doors because then they will be smart switchboards. When we enter the house, our first instinct is to turn the lights and fans on. Everyone told us to clean the faucets and door handles, but we rarely clean our switchboards. This should not be taken lightly because if we let coronavirus go out of our hands, it’s on us. We can say that last year we didn’t really know how to cope with it but this excuse won’t suffice this time. Now let’s see what happens if you don’t automate your office. People come from a lot of different places in the office and they touch a thousand surfaces while reaching there and one can’t be sure that they did not touch any infected surface at all. Even when one is using their own vehicle to commute to the office, they are still subjecting themselves to the risk when they come into the office and touch the switchboard! But it doesn’t have to be like this, because you can have your office automated at a nominal price. All you got to do is give access to the employees and they can control the appliances throughout the office without having to touch the switchboards and you won’t have to worry about the spread of Covid-19. If the doors of your office are also automated then you have another win-win! The doors just open when you come in front of them because of the sensors installed in them or you can open them with the help of a home automation app like SmarDen on your phone. The main motto of this pandemic should be to not come in contact with anyone or anything unnecessarily and that is what is made possible by us while making it pocket-friendly for everyone! Home automation is a must for everyone in today’s time, that is why we have come up with smart hotel solutions as well. When we visit a hotel we look for comfort and safety, and when you go to a smart hotel that is exactly what you get. When you check in you get the link via SMS or Email and you get access to your guest room appliances. You can explore the services offered by the hotel right from the web app without having to install any extra app on your phone. You can also see the places around your hotel for easy access. The access to the smart hotel is revoked as soon as the guest logs out. All this happens without getting in touch with anyone unnecessarily.
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